Children Shoes

Comfortable Footwear for Children

Feet have a hard time, yet we give them less attention than they deserve and we rarely wear the best shoes for our feet. The feet carry the whole body and yet the body is designed for moving, which makes walking a good exercise for the feet. Walking helps the muscles and ligaments in children’s  feet work more efficiently, and helps keep them supple and flexible. During the winter season choose footwear that will keep your child’s feet warm, dry, and well-supported.

It is customary to wear boots for children in the winter season. Warm socks to keep the feet extra warm during this time is also customary, which can make the feet sweat a bit more. All these leading to dampness, a more chilly feet which can be prone to bacterial infections. To ensure your child’s feet is clean and dry, use foot powder inside socks and engage in foot baths as part of their foot care.

It is suggested to be size smart when buying footwear for children. Buying slightly larger shoe size is not always recommended as children’s footwear needs to fit properly. Properly fitted skates and boots can help prevent blisters, chafing, and ankle or foot injuries with such friction causing painful blisters.

Finally, look for a stiff heel for back support, check for flexibility in the toe area and select a shoe with a rigid middle for good support.